Greeting all, and Happy New Year! As we enter 2022, we want to share with you what we have been working on and what we want to work on in future.
First of all, thanks to all those who have contributed to this project, whether through donations, submissions, or by helping to run the publication itself. We have greatly enjoyed writing, editing, and publishing some of the community’s fantastic work. Our most popular articles this year have explored such diverse topics as mutual aid, the corrupting influence of power, and the anarchists of imperial Japan. We have also had the pleasure of interviewing and learning from anarchist groups from around the world, for whose time we are grateful. Last but not least, we cannot express our gratitude for all of you who follow and support us. You ensure that we are not shouting into the wind, and we appreciate that to no end. We hope you have been enjoying all our work so far!
Secondly, we are hoping to expand the breadth of our submissions and content. This includes accepting and platforming creative works like poetry, artwork, video, and auditory works. Included in this is working toward hosting a podcast, online talks, and debates. We are also in the process of giving a voice to our current content by narrating our articles and turning them into videos. This will help increase accessibility at The Commoner; we believe disabled liberation is crucial in building a new world. Further, we hope to continue collaborating with the other fantastic libertarian socialist creators out there.
Thirdly, we are currently working toward moving beyond your device and instead into your hands in the form of printed material. This could mean longer form writing like books, also perhaps a newsletter, but we also want to produce stickers, posters, and other propaganda, as well. This has been a goal from the start, so keep your eyes peeled for what we’re working on now and in the future!
Finally, we would like to express our appreciation to those who have donated to us so far. What you have given so far has been incredibly helpful for both site maintenance and funding our ongoing projects. We humbly ask that if anyone else is willing, and can afford to, if they could consider contributing to our Patreon. Aside from the projects we have mentioned above, most of which will require more resources, we are most concerned with being able to pay our writers. They all deserve compensation for the fantastic work they do.
Any support is welcome, whether it is funding, written, artistic, editorial, or otherwise. If you would like to be a part of it, please get in touch.
Happy New Year one and all.
In huge, resounding solidarity,
Your Friends at The Commoner